Index And Create Robots file for adsense Ads Issue

Index And Create Robots file garnator in this part i show create robot file free and index and nonindex all website 

Index And Create Robots Posts and pages Crawl. Otherwise you blocked single post & page . Read And Get Free Hosting
Index And Create Robots file for adsense
Index And Create Robots file for adsense 

Index means ~ show website in search
Nonindex means ~ website hide in search engine

Question what is Allow disallow and how to use this .?

Greate example ;- Read Free Seo
allow all url pages index(show) in search engine.
user-agent: *
allow: / 

Allow all url pages Nonindex(hide) in search engine
User-agent: * 
Disallow: /
copy this code rewrite your url and paste in robot custom file in blogger and search console option in paste robot tester and submit. After this step spider robots visit your website and check every think for crawling in search engine.

ADSENSE ISSUE Dont show ads on all my website posts. ?
this post am write for adsense ads. Ad show only on homepage but other posts ad area show blank.
This is not try own site and blog. 
Add Site And Updates With

Adsense robot Same type Working on your website . But this code not update on site in robots file ads show only on homepage other pages not showing ads. This code is compalsary for show ads on all your pages . Code example

User-agent: Mediapartners-google

copy this code and update in website on Custom robot file. And after add this code show adsense ads on every pages  and posts. Ads robot crawl your full site and adsense show releted ads with site provide you. Every one this artical Create by preet . Very simple language.


  1. What is robot , blogger robots working , how to use robot custom file , ganerator robot txt file, crawl your wevaite on robots best ways for ranking your website


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