Canonical Tag Tool How to solve canonical issue 2018

Canonical Tag Tool Explain And Garnetor tool best way to try this Redirects Option Duplicate Issue 

Very Simple Ways To Redirects Your All Error Pages To A point URL or Homepage. And more Error or duplicate Pages issues cover tag by  rel-canonical after Set Code Solve all DuplicateUrl and Search engine Crawl your site
Canonical Tag Tool How to solve canonical issue 2018
Canonical Tag Tool How to solve 

 Code Example :- Canonical Tag Tool
 ‎<link rel="canonical" href="" />

Copy this code and set the Head part of your site in HTML . finally Issue Solve And Working Your Site On Single URL Redirect page .

You Create A  Blogger blog canonical Simply Use Errors and redirections in Custom Redirects Option Use And Set You All Website In A Single Page on Redirected

In blogger Custom redirect option is very good because you single post Forward To A Page and All Website posts forwards on A Page .

Add All websites redirected on My Page Because am Full Design my page and Set All My Website Pages On Here   add My Profile. Contact Details Just

Use Simply All website posts Forward A Page... ?
Use from option,,,         /
Use To Option,,,    /mypageurlId/

Single Post url Forward On My Page..?
Use from option,,       /posturl/
Use To Option,,          /mypageurlId/

This Ways Solve Issued proper in blogger follow step by step .

Set Tittle Tag In My Website .?
Rank your website on A Keyword This is Compulsory for Ranking site for example your pages regarding Music Vedio , Mp3 Music This Time You Set A WORD To Ranked
Canonical Tag Tool How to solve canonical issue 2018
Canonical Tag Tool How to solve
 Example Title Tag Tool .

<Title>Your Site Related Words</title>

My code example :-
<Title>Hindi Music, Indian Music</title>

Simply copy code . and edit in note book set Your invisible Words . After Edit CopyCode And paste in Your Web HTML Part In Head under . Right Keyword configured. this words don't show in your websites but any Time This Words Visitors search in searchBOX  and Show Your website Page post and Every Where good Tag For Rank A Keyword For sites.

Create H1 H2 Tag Guide by preet.. ?

Explane For H Tags More Words Lines Rank For site Simply use H1 H2 H3 H4 tag Best Searching in Engines For site Gernator Tag Copy Code After Edit Paste This tags HTML Part in Under Body . More Traffic gernator H Tags very important for growing site regular. Some Trending Words Use In H1 tag I sure your Site Defiantly Grow.

Example Code :-
<h1>your website related Line</h1>
<h2>your website related 2nd Line</h2>

My code :-
Set Your Code in HTML Part In Under
<h1>Free download music In Here </h1>
<h2>Punjabi Hindi English Love Sad Music </h2>

This article create by preet and shere your opinions feed back helpful or non help ful Free Web Hosting Canonical Tag Tool


  1. Canonical Tag Tool ganarator , title tag ganerator tool h1 to h6 tag complete guide . What is canonical tag, what is title tag, how to use canonical Tags


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