
Showing posts from March, 2018

Free Hosting Sites Space for Site 1 Year Free Paid

Free Hosting Sites 2 best free hosting site Upload website on hosting This Part Ranking For Website Just a moment i show hosting is easy after few step you are use host website in hours. Means website is live show all in world your website.  free hosting site. ( Rank Free Website On Seo ) File Space for Site (Guide By Preet) 1 . 2 Absolutely 1 year free hosting your website And More Condition Apply  This website is very big and popular. And provide free hositing and live your website with more condition . Many peoples not read terms and conditions . Direct link own sites with hosting. After this many hours in one day sleep website issue . Server down Error 500 . Error 403 and etc this type  more issue create. That was why i am guide you free hosting website. But create premium hosting all servers links all ways unlimited use for site . In Your account go to filemanager create .Hteccess folder other wise first find this fo

Index And Create Robots file for adsense Ads Issue

Index And Create Robots file garnator in this part i show create robot file free and index and nonindex all website  Index And Create Robots Posts and pages Crawl. Otherwise you blocked single post & page . Read And Get Free Hosting Index And Create Robots file for adsense  Index means ~ show website in search Engine Nonindex means ~ website hide in search engine Question what is Allow disallow and how to use this .? Greate example ;- Read Free Seo allow all url pages index(show) in search engine. user-agent: * allow: /  http:/ Allow all url pages Nonindex(hide) in search engine User-agent: *  Disallow: / http:/ copy this code rewrite your url and paste in robot custom file in blogger and search console option in paste robot tester and submit. After this step spider robots visit your website and check every think for crawling in search engine. ADSENSE ISSUE Dont show ads on all my website posts. ?

Approval done guidelines and condition Apply Present

For Youtuber Blogger and Wibsite Conditions And Simply Approved Your Adsense Account Approve adsense account 3 ways. best way i show you this post and all examples show with simple language. . 3 Type of approved account 1st own website 2nd own free blogger blog 3rd youtube this ways to approve account but more conditions . Approval done guidelines and condition For website or blog condition And Tricks For Your Future Business  1.dont use duplicate contant 2. Only Upload own photo or vedio . 3. Add your social profile links . 4. Your all posts open in single click on homepage . 5. Add lebel. Add anchor text url 6. Web view create simple and beautiful. 7. Set language herf rel. Code 8.add canonical url 9. Link search console and analytics 10. Other platform dont show ads on site. 11. Posts write 700+ words with add photo 12. Set tittle tags and H1. H2 TAG 13. Add meta tag 14. Add custom robot file 15. Add redirect set. every step is very helpfull

Canonical Tag Tool How to solve canonical issue 2018

Canonical Tag Tool Explain And Garnetor tool best way to try this Redirects Option Duplicate Issue  Very Simple Ways To Redirects Your All Error Pages To A point URL or Homepage . And more Error or duplicate Pages issues cover tag by  rel-canonical after Set Code Solve all DuplicateUrl and Search engine Crawl your site Canonical Tag Tool How to solve   Code Example :-  Canonical Tag Tool  ‎  ‎<link rel="canonical" href="" /> Copy this code and set the Head part of your site in HTML . finally Issue Solve And Working Your Site On Single URL Redirect page . You Create A  Blogger blog canonical Simply Use Errors and redirections in Custom Redirects Option Use And Set You All Website In A Single Page on Redirected In blogger Custom redirect option is very good because you single post Forward To A Page and All Website posts forwards on A Page . Add All websites redirected on My Page Because am Full Design my pag

Webmaster Tool, verified Website And Add Sitemap For Index

Webmaster Tool, verified every one today i show how to submit my website or blog in Search Console Webmaster Tool, verified website live on google and othes search engine. Very simple 3 step and go your web or blog live. Sitemap Ganerator tooler Webmaster Tool, verified Website And Add  Sitemap For Index step 1 . Just add your website or blog in search consal property. VERIFY PROPERTY ; many ways for verify your own site or blog  . www ,non www, sub domain , blog https://www , http://www, exmple ; This time am verify by domain provider . Set Dns records . Meta tag Webmaster Tool, verified Website And Add  Sitemap For Index submit on head in html part your blog or site . Submit cname records. Analytics tag with search consal. very easy ways to verifed ownership am verifed by html tag. Just how to place this code place on EXAMPLE ; <head> <meta tag> What is , Search console, Fetch And Sitemap  AFTER add your website click on html meta tag and c

Sitemap add What is, How To Use On Blogger And Other Sites

Sitemap add What .How to Add SiteMaps And Index Website Or Blog properly Crawling Error Fetch As Google 1st Step add website and Verify in search cansole . am Start to 2nd option. Step 2 . sitemap is very important for site or blog Show in search engine Add a sitemap two type of sitemaps example  http :/ http:/ sitemap.xml and atom.xml Sitemap add What is, Sitemap submit your option in search console and index your pages blog website and wait few hours and days after pending status show index page status   site index but not live . Google search engine is automatic but few cases in use fetch as google Easy  My Web page Sitemap add What is, Sitemap Sitemap add What is, Sitemap in photo url after  (page1/) copy and paste in fetch write box . And single single time fetch your pages disktop and mobile version type submit . Sitemap add What is, Sitemap and very cerefully